Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Cubist Painting

After a lecture about colour theory and mixing and looking at examples in cubist art history,  were asked to create cubist-inspired paintings using acrylic paint and a design made from objects we either made or found.
I chose to draw a design from a headless, armless, torso mannequin of a woman I found at the back of the classroom. The object was white and had interesting angles. I chose to copy the technique I used to draw a design for a sculpture and overlay drawings of the torso from different angle to create spaces and shapes in the image. I am pleased with how the initial drawing came out and was worrying about ruining it with acrylic paint.

My initial pencil drawings/design

After I'd created my base design, I decided to block in vibrant warm colours; reds, oranges, pinks and yellows after picking out definite shapes. I hope to paint the entire image in this way and create an abstract, jumble of shapes and colour. When the painting is finished I will upload an image

The mannequin I was drawing from at different angles
EDIT: I finished painting the piece, purposely leaving middle areas white to pull focus to the centre and to not over-do the painting. 


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